
Elder Orphan Care 2023 volunteers of the year
What would we do without our incredible volunteers?

We don't want to know!Elder Orphan Care director Kim handing meals to volunteer Jack to deliver to older friends

Age 2 to 92, our generous, fun, and dedicated volunteers serve in a variety of ways to fulfill EOC's mission: providing help and hope to older adults aging alone.

Our volunteers are joyful servants, whether packing shipments to Romania; reading to a person with visual impairment; installing grab bars; sewing Christmas Stockings of Joy; manning a convention booth; delivering donated medical equipment; chaperoning an older friend to an event...the list goes on...and on!

If you're interested in serving, visit our JOIN US page for more information. We'd love to talk to you! 

The Stitch N Go sewing group in Springfield, Illinois makes hundreds of stockings and hats for EOC each year
     The Stitch 'N' Go group in Springfield, IL, is one of many groups who make Christmas Stockings of Joy and warm winter hats each year for Elder Orphan Care. In 2023 they made 300 of each!