Summer Romania Mission Team

Our Summer Mission Team returned home June 24 after sharing God's love with EOC's older friends in rural Romania. Team members Anna, Ellen, Karen, Kim and Vickie all have been to Romania multiple times so there were lots of joyful reunions! "We hugged a lot of necks and held a lot of hands," team members reported, "and we had time to listen to their stories!"

Beyond the ministry of presence the team delivered a variety of presents, including delicious treats and simple fans, which were happily received by those without the benefit of air conditioning.

The team visited ministry partners, shared their testimonies with friends at Grace Church in Oradea and the House of Prayer in Ciumeghiu; shopped at the Romanian Bible Society and hosted a meal for special friends from Sunflower Design.

We praise God for a safe, blessing filled adventure!

Scenes from the Romania Summer Mission Trip